11/29/1998: in the Section 415 discrimination test for a 401k plan which fails on the first try but passes in the look-back-year alternative when a man is included whose last name begins and ends with an “A” and has an annual  salary of $33,000.00; and in the “Rey” painted on a  black box on the side of a road home not usually taken, which means something very different when spoken;                                

11/30/1998: in the car, after failing to stop to let another car out of a parking lot, nearly hit by a black van darting out of another parking lot;

12/01/1998: in the small evergreen branch of two shoots joined as a “V”, caught in the 3rd rung of a car phone antennae;

12/02/1998: in the two geometric designs of brown rocks on a bed of black rocks: a triangle on one side and a circle on the other at the Long Wharf underpass of I95;

12/03/1998: no sighting seen today;

12/04/1998: in the thought of a bumper sticker seen earlier in the day:
“Child Care                             
not warfare”
with most of the “Child” torn off , when a cross of twigs appears, as if in ransom;

12/05/1998: in the dark “I” of the “Infinity” neon sign in front of the George Harte Auto Company show room; and in the comment of a woman in the cafeteria of St. Joseph’s Hospital a week after all of the patients and most of the employees had been transferred to the Stamford Hospital, which had taken over management a year earlier, standing in front of an elegant Christmas tree: “With all that has been done, they still have the spirit to put this up?”; and in the two circles on a Volkswagen auto, a cross where the outside mirror on the driver’s side should be and in the other on the trunk a “VW”; and in the 7 coins have been given as the change for payment of lunch, totaling sixty eight cents, which totals 14, while “I know my Redeemer lives” is hummed;

12/06/1998: in the number 0288 in the right hand corner of a billboard advertising Dreyfus, displaying a man staring ahead while leaning on a lion, with the exhortation to “Rule your Kingdom”, the digits of what is probably the number of the billboard add to eighteen and again to 9;

12/07/1998: the fifty seventh anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, which add to twelve and then to 3, the twelfth month which in turn adds to 3, on the 7th day, the union of heaven and earth, the spirit and the body; and in the year 1998, which adds to twenty seven and again to 9, on the eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception;

12/08/1998: in the 0588 stenciled to a cement support, at a stoplight under Route 8, which adds to twenty one and then to 3 to challenge the 8 of the world;

12/09/1998: in the fractured rib on the left side of a lady, the result of falling on the corner of a night table, just under the incision made for a mastectomy a year earlier;

12/10/1998: in the young black man leaping from a standing bus for no apparent reason, as the radio news report that an American President may have stretched the limits of language to what someone else might consider lying;

12/11/1998: and in the a beer bottle on the ground, pointing to a hub cap, made significant soon thereafter when a whiskey bottle appears on the ground to which a corner of a square paper napkin points; and, later, in the typing of  “129” in error for the first 3 numbers of a Social Security number beginning with “128”, when, seconds later, seeming drawn to the 9, typing in the “129” again;

12/12/1998: in the small crucifix formed from a piece of straw or thread with two small pieces of something, maybe cotton, on either side, on a sweater about to be folded and placed in a drawer; and in their disappearance moments later when the sweater is taken out and unfolded for reexamination;                                                                                                       

12/13/1998: no sighting seen today;

12/14/1998: in the 43722 kilobytes backed up onto an Iomego Jaz drive, which adds to eighteen and again to 9;                                                                                          

12/15/1998: in the 4 cars which pull out from driveways or a road onto Whalley Avenue, one  after another and stop somewhat down the road to allow traffic to pass, when the third car moves out and passes the others; and, later, in the same place, in the white car which pulls into a gas station as a dark car pulls out, when both stop beside each other for a moment for no apparent reason, before the white car moves forward to a pump and the other exits; 

12/16/1998: in the street lights which go out in the early morning in a parking lot as the following passage is read: “The problem is that our fall into sin and separation from God has led us to worship the wrong things, the ‘false gods’ of our day”, in the magazine, “The Word Among Us”; and in the same lights that go on again at the passage: “How much more does God want to tell us with joy, enthusiasm, and love for Him.”; and, later, in the price of gas at $1.359 which adds to 99, or 33 3s;

12/17/1998: in the forty one issues of Advent 1996 sent to ten couples, and to 9 women, and to twenty two men, which adds to 4, another trade off of sky and earth or of spirit and muscle;

12/18/1998: in the question: “… what will happen in Iraq in two or 3 days when the bombing starts?”, asked by the announcer on News Radio 88 just before the commercial: “Got a headache? Feel any pain? Try Clident D today. See you doctor”, which then segues to a song, “Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see”;

12/19/1998: in the two white squares on a roadway sign, one inside a red circle and the other on an edge;

12/20/1998: in the Route 79 sign with a piece of black masking tape making a 30 degree angle with the base; and, later, in the CVS Pharmacy sign, with the CVS and the “P” and “cy” of “Pharmacy” lit and with the “harma” letters unlit:
Charity Verses Stinginess
Hate And Remorse Mar All
Peace Craves Y’all 

12/21/1998: in the road sign with its an arrow pointing up at a 45 degree angle, above an unhinged, tilting directional sign for the Department of Motor Vehicles for emission control;

12/22/1998: in the two living quarters of a house, the darker shade on the left with two triangles on its square roof, probably sun receptors, as if horns;

12/23/1998: in the unlit “gree” letters of the Walgreen sign, “God’s reign, everywhere, evermore”;                                                                                                                                    

12/24/1998: in the unlit “ree” of the Walgreen sign, (the “gree” of  yesterday either seen in error or the “g” being relit), whose positions in the alphabet, eighteen, five, and five, respectively, which totals twenty eight, then ten, then 1; “reconciliation earns eternity”;  and, later, in the round head of a young boy beside a square electrical outlet on the wall during Mass at St. James Church;