12/02/2007: in the white oval, egg-like scale with circular window to register weight, now at “00”, to which a plastic bottle on the bathroom floor points; and in the circular rim of a waste paper basket to which it next points, after being placed on a nearby chair;

12/03/2007: in the 4:30 seen on a digital clock which add to 7, the epitome of  complete, the time when a checking account is reconciled; and in another 7, the sum of the digits of $5242.57, the bank’s balance for the preceding month, after first adding to 25; and in the spiritual 3 to which the sum of the checkbook balance of $5241.99 adds, after first adding to 30, then noticing that the digits of the opus of Shubert’s “Death and the Maiden”, D. 810, playing on a recording devise, add to the second 3 squared;    

12/04/2007: in the tire on the roof of a building, probably that of a bicycle upside down, above three traffic lights, all green;

12/05/2007: in the trail on the parkway in the early morning of about 12 thin white lines, as if some chemical had been poured from the rear section of a truck probably to melt ice that might have been there a day or so before, lines that turned wider and black later in the evening, when traveled again after attending the funeral of a friend, which then revert  back to thin, white lines further down the road, as though the man had lived, died and then rose again to new life;   

12/06/2007: in the only star in the pale blue sky, unobstructed by clouds, just before dawn, to which the upper cusp of the brilliant moon points, a few days before a new moon, noticed at the moment the street lights in and around the parking lot are turned off; and, later, in the evening, in the bin marked “RI”, whose places in the alphabet add to 27, the Trinity to the power of the Trinity, in which a pharmacy attendant found a prescription, placed there in error; 

12/07/2007: in the “NEW HOME DEPOT” sign, with all letters lit except the “H” and “M” to form “NEW  O E DEPOT”, the New Omega Eternal Depot, the omega being the last letter of the Greek alphabet and symbolizing last;

12/08/2007: in the license plate, “139 EEO”, whereby One God in Three Persons is
emphasized with its square, beside “E” “-est” “Originate”:
E being the third note of the diatonic scale of C Major
-est converting adverbs and adjectives to the superlative;

12/09/2007: in the left and right mosaic panels on the main altar in Saint Mary’s Church, the “Chi-Rho” on the left and the “Alpha-Omega” on the right, the left representing the first two letters of Christ in Greek, with the chi fixed on the vertical line of the rho to form an abstract fish, and the right, the two letters being the first and the last of the Greek alphabet, representing God as the beginning and the end of everything, the omega appearing here as a semi-circle around the alpha as an abstract triangle; and in the two images repeated in the snow on the rear windows of two cars parked one in front of the other on a nearby street, on which someone had drawn and abstract face with a semi-circle as the brow and a triangle as the nose on one car and a fish on the other;  

12/10/2007: in the triangle, remembered as equilateral, when a plastic bottle cap slid to a corner between two leaves stuck on either side of the otherwise empty plastic recycle bin, after it had been picked up at by a grip on the opposite, diagonal corner; and later in the near perfect equilateral triangle to which a piece of tissue unravels on the water in a toilet bowl, after being thrown into it; 

12/11/2007: in the black overcoat, draped over a cement wall and crucified, its arms extended on either side, with frost on its collar and shoulders, as if it heard the unkind remarks uttered in frustration by an employer driving by about the behavior of a bookkeeper;

12/12/2007: in the piece of green foam at a 45 degree angle with the side of a swimming pool in the shape of a canoe, slightly larger than one for a lightening bug, which points with one end to the first aid kit on a nearby wall and to water at the other through two metal bars of a railing to the pool; 

12/13/2007: in the “CAUTION” on a highway sign, before a tunnel on the Wilbur Cross Parkway, appearing after months when only the “CA” was visible, “Christ Almighty”, the rest of it being covered with a black tarp, now stripped away, while on the opposite lane on the other side of the tunnel a similar sign is still covered except for three small sections, one at the upper right corner as a triangle;  

12/14/2007: in the two work men who arrive to shovel what was described as the 3 inches of snow that had just fallen, one actually shoveling at 7 minutes after midnight, while his partner stands as sentinel facing away; and, after day break, in the green leaf on the kitchen floor, another lady bug canoe, pointing at one end to the “Z1” on the side of an Amazon shipping carton, the reverse of the Alpha Omega symbol, and to the radiator at the other end;

12/15/2007: in the 12 people at the beginning of Mass in the pews on the left side of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, exactly balanced with the 12 in the pews on the right, on the 15th day of the 12th month, four multiples of the holy 3;

12/16/2007: in the 3 cars driving in tandem to a stop sign at an intersection, when the first car crosses and proceeds straight ahead, the second turns right onto the other street and the third car turns left: 3 cars, 3 different turns and a completed cross; 

12/17/2007: in the only star that appears in the early morning sky as the lights of the parking lights go out, with the moon replaced by the small black arrow head and a section of a straight black line, both pointing to the sky, no doubt the top part of the ‘N” of “CAUTION”, seen in an otherwise covered sign; and, later, in the evening, in green wreath hanging at the center of a square window of the Yale School of Nursing on Church Street, the only window lit, and, directly above the wreath on the rear wall, a red “EXIT” neon sign also lit;  

12/18/2007:  in the 3 lighted narrow, contiguous windows on the side of a battleship-like apartment building in the early morning; and, soon thereafter, in the head lights of 3 autos, seen through the frost on the left hand rear view mirror as a straight line of lights as though a glider wing, which then morphed to the lights of one auto wrapped in a circular aureole of rainbow;

12/19/2007: in the plethora of 3s or multiples of 3: in the license plate, “GZ 399”, on a parked car, in along with the numbers, the first letter being the 7th letter of the alphabet and the other in the 26th, which totals 33; in the total of $149.58 for two purchases (one for $58.78 and another for $90.80), which totals 27, or 3 times 9; and in the car for sale, announced by the flashing lights of a nearby tow truck, for what was originally seen as $1800.00, written on one window, which totals 9, and “MINT” written on its adjacent window, but on a later day seen as $4800.00, or 3 times 1600;

12/20/2007: in the inverted, irregular triangular piece torn from a black tarp, hung along the side of a Walgreen’s building under construction on Whalley Avenue and in the orange and white striped, traffic control cone seen through the hole standing and pointing to the sky; and, later, in another imperfect triangle, a small edge of a piece of torn paper on the floor in the Tyco Copy Center, its sharp edged top pointing to the circle lock on the overhead doors outside, now closed and part of the sidewalk;   

12/21/2007: in the triangular slab of snow, leaning against a black, parked Volvo, beside a white speed limit sign of 25, totaling 7, and behind a red pickup truck, probably of an oil company, with a logo on its side with a dollop of oil, which could represent a heart, with a license plate, “361 WLS”, which becomes “CAFWLS”, if the digits are replaced by the letters of the alphabet represented by their respective positions: “Come, Almighty Father, when lamentations start”;  

12/22/2007: in the two circles on a melba toast box, one of red with its brand name, “Old London”, and the other of a dish with food on it in the center to which a knife points, both objects having been placed at random on each of two tile squares but separated by a third on the kitchen counter top; and later in the 3 infants who played on the living room rug around whom 7 adults sat in a circle to observe them;

12/23/2007: in the smoke from an incense censor, used in the blessing of the altar and placed on a stand to its right in Saint Mary’s Church, rising from the beginning of the Eucharistic Rite until its end, to which the fold in a ribbon points that is used to mark a page in a hymnal that was placed in the seat rack upside down;

12/24/2007: in the string with 3 tiny gold stars attached, of what was probably a decoration of some Christmas item; and in the larger 5 pointed gold star beside it with three points folded to make a “V” for victory sign, resembling the index and middle finger extended with the thumb and other two fingers folded over;