11/30/2008: no sightings seen, probably underscored by several sirens heard in a long continuous drone a few hours before midnight;

12/01/2008: in the glove, dropped on a pew in St. Stanislaus Church, the palm half over the edge and the fingers gripping the seat, as one should grip the essence of what this church represents; and, later in the evening, while on an errand for someone else, the “C” of the “CVS” pharmacy sign is the only letter lit, for charity or Christian, under the clear sky, free of stars, in which a triangle appeared, formed by the crescent moon and the brilliant lights of 2 planets, Venus and Jupiter, unobstructed;   

12/02/2008: in the sign with the letters of “harmacy” lit, appearing in the early morning after 2 sets of blinking red lights, the first letter, “p”, is not lit, as if peace had been obliterated;  

12/03/2008: in the 7 quarters picked at random from a change container and put into a meter for car parking, while eating lunch in the “Royal Palace”;

12/04/2008: in the 3 men walking down the street together, who then stop at an intersection, and, after talking for a moment, separate, one making a 90 degree right hand turn and walking off, another a 90 degree left had turn and crossing the street and the third walking straight ahead, to form of the cross;

12/05/2008: in the plastic gym signs: “Healthtrax” above “Fitness & Wellness” of which all the white letters are lit, except that the “i” of “Fitness” appears as pale blue and the “n” of “Wellness” appears as pale pink, the “i” being below a “l” of “Healthtrax”, the 12th letter of the alphabet, which adds to 3, and the ‘n’ being below an “a”, the 1st letter of the alphabet, both numbers representing the Almighty in whose protection are those whose minds so yield;     

12/06/2008: in the sweater and the white envelop tossed backward onto the rear seat of an auto, the sweater landing on the earth brown leather seat while the envelop ascends to heaven, sticking into the space between the closed sun roof and the regular roof; and, later in the “Jolley”, written on one block of a stack of cement blocks beside in a gas station;

12/07/2008: in the tracks of a deer in the new fallen, morning snow, in a nearly perfect circle around 70 Alston Avenue, in New Haven, Connecticut;

12/08/2008: in the “n” and the “w” on an overhead highway directional sign to “New Haven”, which are covered with dirt or ice, but the “e” is clearly visible, the eternal against the transient new world; and later in the light as a half moon on the empty, glass globe of a 3 minute hour-glass, which echoes the half moon that appears in the afternoon sky;

12/09/2008: in the 4 pairs of socks, not sufficiently dry after being washed and hung on the circular rim of a wicker basket in a closet under 3 other articles hung on the clothes bar above, two of which were also hung to dry; and in the 4 pieces of paper on which four new compositions were written, containing 88 new words selected to be added to a word index, which add to 16 and again to 7, the link of the 4 of world to the 3 of eternity, of the Trinity; 

12/10/2008: in the 20 lists that were being transcribed to a computer at the moment  the CD recorder selected at random from the 5 choices available the “Vignt Regards sur L”Enfant Jesus” by Oliver Messiaen, “20 Contemplations on the Child Jesus”; 

12/11/2008: in the 18 pages of data entry, the digits of which add to 9, with 383 edits, which add to 14, the 14 generations from Abraham to David, and the 14 generations from David to the Babylonian deportation, and the 14 generations form the Babylonian deportation to the birth of Christ;

12/12/2008: in the pair of shoes in the hall, one with the sole on the rug and the other wedged between it and the wall, pointing at a 45 degree angle;

12/13/2008: in the 2 small circles of wire near the center of a major intersection with 3 small unlit bulbs beside it and on a nearby telephone pole 3 circular wires of different diameters, hanging from the same nail, one inside another inside another;   

12/14/2008: in the leaves on the bottom half of  a backyard crab apple tree, the only deciduous tree in the neighborhood still somewhat full, its top half bare against the brown, winter hill in back on the right, beside the white house in the back on the right; 

12/15/2008: in the inverted question mark of soap suds on the shower floor, which answers itself as a Bishop’s crosier or a shepherd’s crook;

12/16/2008: in the zip code of a residence requested by a gas pump and remembered incorrectly as 06215, when it was actually 06515, the third digit being off by 3; later, in the 7 ribs of a bathroom, Venetian shade with one rib missing on the top and another missing on the bottom, next to the 2 dead light bulbs in a 3 bulb overhead fixture and a towel thrown over a shower curtain, leaving exposed 3 of its circular hooks;  

12/17/2008: in the 4 soap bubbles on the shower floor, 3 of which immediately vanish; and in the 3 flashes of light in the right eye with the head on the pillow facing a window just before falling asleep, as though from the head lights of 3 cars passing on the road outside, an event which never happened before;

12/18/2008: in the perfect triangle made by the raised leg of a person, probably a man, lying on his back under an parked car by the side of a street, to either inspect it or to try to make a repair, bent at the knee with the foot on the ground, beside whom stands another person, probably a woman, at a 90 degree right angle;   

12/19/2008: in the answer by a woman in the therapeutic pool in the Healthtrax gym to a question no doubt about pain asked by a woman standing at its edge: “I slept late and, getting out of bed, fell on the floor. When I got up the pain was gone. It was a miracle”;

12/20/2008: in the check to the State of Connecticut for $950.00 for the fourth quarterly income tax payment in the 12th month (which adds to 3), but check number 1704 (which adds to 12 and again to 3) for the tax for the third quarter and paid in the 9th month was entered incorrectly for $905.00, which was $45.00 less than the correct amount (which adds to 9), while the sum of the digits for both the 905 and the 950 add to 14, which is 2 times 7;  

12/21/2008: in the shadows in the evening of the seven pillars of a dark building, which dart in and out from the red flashing lights on the rear of a fire truck parked on the right side of the street, to which a car passing in the opposite direction on the other side of the street points with its right hand, blinking, directional light and in the seven shadows of the same pillars from the head lights of the following, passing cars, which dart in and out but a few inches away from the first set of shadows;

12/22/2008: in the red, torn bumper sticker in the shape of a blade of a knife on the rear of a Jeep ( the sum of the positions in the alphabet of its letters is 36, which adds to 9), with its white letters of “crafts” separated from “craftsmen” on the torn piece, the wide portion at the “c” tapering to the tip at the “s”, with only the “man” remaining untouched, below the license plate, “411 TLJ”, the code for dialing telephone information and “Tender Loving Jesus”;

12/23/2008: in the early morning blaze of sun that turns three figures in the roadway to angels for a split second; and later in the tree trunk about six feet long at a 45 degree angle with the ground, its top part covered with snow as though a blanket, propped up by another tree; and later in the flashing lights of a tow truck passing by a stationary bicycle in snow with three plastic bags tied to the handle bars, two black and one white;

12/24/2008: in the four parishioners in the right side of the front congregational seat section and three in the left at the beginning of Mass in early morning in St. Stanislaus Church when, just before the end, one from the right has left, while another has entered to sit on the left to demonstrate of the interconnection of the Divine and the secular; and  in the gloves tossed haphazardly on the pew form a cross in the circular rim of a cap; and, still later, at a Christmas Eve party, while thinking of the parishioner placements in the morning, the same scene manifests itself with four guests on one side of the dining room table and three on the other;