Advent 2016

11/27/2106: in the early morning in the fingers of a branch of a tree in a neighbor’s back yard, which reaches out to grasp the brick chimney, nature contending with man’s productivity, but soon disappearing as the sun’s rays changed; and in the white tube of hand cream that points to the picture of a flaming match on the vertical, matchbook cover on a bathroom window ledge;

11/28/2016 in the confirmation number of the transaction, A86789431740129M, to change from one policy to another per a telephone call to Connecticare, the underwriter of the policy, of 2 letters and 14 digits, which is also the number of the sum of the alphabetic positions of the letters, 1 for A and 13 for M, the product of 2 and 7, the symbol of complete order;

11/29/2016: in the number 2, in the center of a basketball scoreboard, with 2 yellow lights on the top, 2 green lights in the middle on either side, and 2 red lights on the bottom, all lit, representing the 2 natures of Christ: God and Man;  

11/30/2016: in the shinny penny in the almost center of a small square, tan tile on the locker room floor;

12/01/2016: in another penny, this one weather-beaten, bisecting a line separating 2 compartments of an automatic shifting apparatus; later, in the telephone number of a friend who called in mid afternoon, (203) 432-0627, the sum of which is 29, one of the few prime numbers, the integer other than 0 or +/- 1, that is not divisible without remainder by another integer except +/- 1 and +/- the integer itself;   

12/02/2016: in the leaves on the 3 adjacent, cement blocks of a sidewalk, 1 on 1, 2 on the 2nd and 3 on the 3rd for God, the 2 natures of Christ and the Trinity, and, an hour later, in the leaves on 4 adjacent cement blocks with 1 on each of 3 blocks and 2 on the 4th; and, later, on a trash container, “tras… ly” appears for “trash only” with the “h” of “trash” and the “on” of the “only” missing, the alphabetic positions of the “h” and the “on” add to 45, which then add to 9,the Trinity cubed, which might imply that the people of the present age leave God out;

12/03/2016: in the dream of a stack of 4 dishes that were moved from a counter-top to a nearby table on which they were spread side by side, 3 of which were clean and 1 dirty, which then segued to 4 people moving to a vehicle to enter, whereby 3 were well and able to step on board, but the 4th ill and on mediation was turned away;

12/04/2016: in the large, red replica of an EKG report, with a wave on the left becoming a line on the right, on a billboard, above which was, “After you die”, and another below it, “you will meet God”, beside a billboard on its right, with an advertisement for a restaurant featuring a plate of  Texas steak; and, later, in the 2 signs in front of the Saint Anthony’s Bookstore on Route 34, a tall roadway sign nearly covered by a black cloth with most of a letter visible, which seems to be a “d” for devil or death beside a smaller sign with the word “Jesus” in red;

12/05/2016: in the early morning, in the Trinity triangle made by a tire track over the corner of a newspaper, covered by a thin layer of snow that had been thrown onto the driveway by the carrier, and, in the somewhat uneven triangle painted on the back wall of the garage at the end of the driveway; and, later, in the 3 2s in a line under the “Mo”, for momentum, a telephone pole having obscured the balance of the 3 prices of various grades of gas at a Mobil gasoline station;  

12/06/2016: in the triangle made by a pencil inadvertently placed on a square tile of the kitchen counter-top, which touches each side of its right angle; and, later in the attached, portable nozzle of a shower resting on 3 of several slits on a ledge to allow for water on its surface to drain; and, still later, in the 3 thuds made by 3 birds who flew in error onto a kitchen window;

12/07/2016: in the 3 sets of 2 lit candles on or near an altar, before 6 parishioners, 3 men and 3 women; and, later, in the sign on the rear of a bus, “Z3”, the 36th letter, which adds to 9, beside the “3”;

12/08/2016: in the large, white cross on a blue, recyclable container almost underneath a small, blue, city street sign, with a white arrow pointing to the sky;

12/09/2016: in the 9 words of a request: “Please turn dryer on again; clothes are not dry” and in the 7 letters of “Kinsley”, for the 7 days of the week, the piece of paper on which they were written; and, later, in the nearly, full-blooming bush to contradict the weather report of snow in 3 days; 

12/10/2016: in the broken branch, that swings in the wind, of a tree in front of the “Megill Auto Repair” sign, being something Megill couldn’t repair; and, later, in the three small, round decorative containers on a section of sidewalk, only 2 of which contain a miniature Christmas tree;

12/11/2016: in the 17, a prime number, the sum of the positions of the 2 letters of the alphabet on the license plate, HI 96, of a moving vehicle that slowed to allow another to enter its driving lane, beside the 9, 3 sets of 3, and the 6, 2 sets of 3;

12/12/2016: in the statement of a woman: “She’s like a sister; I never had a sister”; and, later, in the internet confirmation-number: 26486A917CH6, the sum of the digits is 43, a prime number, and the number of the alphabetic positions of the 3 letters is 12, for the 12 tribes of Israel;   

12/13/2016: in the opinion of a lady, overheard in a grocery store: “He wants to make us equal; I prefer anomalies”;

12/14/2016: in the 322333 of the odometer on the dashboard, one 3, two 2s and three 3s under a bright, silver, full moon; and, later, in the “st” on the visible, left half of an hexagon sign, for Saint John of the Cross, whose feast day it is today, the right half of the stop sign is obstructed by a tree;

12/15/2016: in the circle and the square, the 2 small, lit windows, side by side, on the side of a very dark house in a very dark area in the early morning, timelessness and time, the spiritual and the temporal; and, later, in the lit sign for Open, with the “O” is missing, as if the world without the spiritual is a “pen”;

12/16/2016: in the sum of 57, the positions in the alphabet of the letters for “Rent”, a popular musical, 2 tickets of which were bought as a Christmas gift, which in turn adds to 12, for the Twelve Days of Christmas;

12/17/2016: in the 3 red, front doors of Edgewood School, the center door with 2 small, square, glass windows side by side but none in the other 2; and, later, in the customs of an roadside sign, in neon lights, of which the “c” and “st” and “s” are lit, “c” and “m” for “Christ’s manifestations”, with the “st” for sanctus, theophania, translated as Holy, visible manifestations of God, which are to be highlighted by brackets, as only half of the “u” and the “o” are lit;

12/18/2016: in the incorrect phone number, 1 (415) 934-7361, dialed, which adds to 44;
and in the correct phone number, 1 (415) 734-7361, dialed, which adds to 42;
both sums divisible by 2, for the Old Testaments and the New;
and in the 34 minutes of conversation with the party of the correct number, which adds to 7,
for the 7 Cardinal Virtues: Humility, Kindness, Abstinence, Chastity, Patience, Liberality, and Diligence; 

12/19/2016: in the 24 lights on a string across the roof of a crèche: 7 blue lights and 2 red lights and 5 sets of 3 yellow lights;

12/20/2016: in the center of a cross, formed by edges of 4 small, square tiles of a larger square, to which points a recently tossed tiny, tapered piece of rubber and in center of the nearby cross of a similar configuration on which a tiny, somewhat round piece of something sits; and, later, in the highway, roadside sign with DETOUR appearing on top, with a black piece of cloth covering the rest of the sign, in front of a house, numbered 355, which adds to 13, a prime number and held by many to represent death and life;     

12/21/2016: in the bookmark on page 160 in the 5th chapter of a book of 12 chapters and 338 pages with another on page 313 of the beginning of the 12th chapter, the difference of chapters is 7 and the difference of pages is 153, which adds to 9;

12/22/2016: in the early morning before dawn in the light of an approaching auto’s headlight strikes the bottom ribs of an iron, cemetery fence, which suddenly slopes skyward, as the auto passes by, toward a vertical asymptote, toward the infinity of heaven;

12/23/2016: in the huge crane with “Beebe” painted on its side, next to the” Friend’s” parking lot, pointing upward with a large 5-pointed star, formed by 5 wooden sticks, hanging from its tip, 2 prime numbers, to echo the 5 letters of the 2-syllable name, probably that of the owner, and in the 3 solid, red stars on the wrapping paper of a Christmas present on the seat of a nearby car;

12/24/2016: in the 3 lights reflected on a room’s glass window from 2 sections of an overhead kitchen light and another from a nearby lamp with 3 extra, faint images slightly below the others on the outside, storm window and with the bright, direct beam of a light attached to the neighbor’s backyard terrace;